Cécile’s Birthday

Cécile will be 27 on the 27th of March this year, so we’re throwing her an birthday bash in the style of her birth year: 1981.

I’m teaming up with the old pals from Barrio del Este for a quick gig at the Créteil Marché de Noel on Friday, December 21st.

Fractured Vertebrae…

Our trip to Corsica was one of the most pleasant and relaxing vacations we’d had in a long time, except for the end…

We Got Married!

Yes indeed, Cécile and I have tied the knot – and what a blast it was! Originally intended as a small evening of dining and dancing among a few close friends, things started to gain momentum, and before we knew it, we had a full-blown Wedding (note the capital W) on our hands. The thing […]