
Help fund the new album!

Friends, family, and fans, lend a hand to help us finish our latest studio album, “Young Bloods, Green Beans, and Spring Chickens”!
Pre-order the album and you’ll receive your copy a month before the official release, plus access to my “updates” which will include exclusive videos, mp3 downloads, funny stories, song histories, and lots of other things that won’t be available to the general public.

In addition to pre-ordering the album, you can also pledge a bit more and get some interesting “extras,” including everything from a signed copy of the CD to a guitar lesson over Skype or even having me write a song for you or a friend. There are even some items that can be wrapped and delivered in time for the holidays!

Have a look at our project page and see what you think. And thanks to all of you for your support!

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